All tagged Dave Franco

THE AMERICANS: Internal Squabble Edition

Joaquin fan-girling:

Haley: "What are we even doing here, ladies?!"

Erin: "My heart cries for Danny and his dancing Christmas gifts. But NOTHING can stand against Jo and his Johnny Cash blacks. Except maybe Jared Leto."

Jen: "Easy peasy. Maybe it would've been harder if Damages hadn't ended so long ago, but, welp, it did."

So now, it's time. IT'S TIME.


October called for being the best I could be - early voting, stimulating the economy by buying lots of fall-themed lattes, reading books, actually listening to voicemails before deleting them… But now, November is a time of giving. THANKSgiving. And in the spirit of both civic responsibility and thanks, I will rise to the occasion of giving. Because, to quote our great patriot Reese Witherspoon, "I am an American citizen."

For this Thanksgiving season, Haley Bragg and I have turned our focus from Great Britain to  the colonies and we need your help as we narrow the field and name the hottest American.