All tagged Rob Riggle

THE AMERICANS: Internal Squabble Edition

Joaquin fan-girling:

Haley: "What are we even doing here, ladies?!"

Erin: "My heart cries for Danny and his dancing Christmas gifts. But NOTHING can stand against Jo and his Johnny Cash blacks. Except maybe Jared Leto."

Jen: "Easy peasy. Maybe it would've been harder if Damages hadn't ended so long ago, but, welp, it did."

So now, it's time. IT'S TIME.

What You're Thankful For

Predictions re: Round One:

Who do you think is going to make it into the playoffs (and I mean in the “public” bracket, not ours)? Just like the NCAA, we’ll be able to modify our Final Four as the bracket progresses. Right now, I’m going to have to go with Chris Messina, McConaughey (it’s a tough choice over Cruise, but I feel he’s more relevant), Zefron (or Timberlake), and Bradley Cooper, although I think that’ll be a slight win over Pratt. What do you think?

Click through to see the results...

Everybody Knows New Names: Recasting Cheers

Quite a few years ago (long enough that this movie was relevant), my friend Natalie and I put together our perfect Twilight cast while working out. The “real cast” had just been announced and we had some ideas for changes…mainly because some of the cast were people (young people?) we’d never heard of.

Recasting movies and tv shows has become a favorite game of mine since then, and I’m always up for a good discussion about who could perfectly play (or resurrect) a role.

Today’s post is dedicated to recasting Cheers for a modern audience. I’ve set a few rules for myself: