October called for being the best I could be - early voting, stimulating the economy by buying lots of fall-themed lattes, reading books, actually listening to voicemails before deleting them… But now, November is a time of giving. THANKSgiving. And in the spirit of both civic responsibility and thanks, I will rise to the occasion of giving. Because, to quote our great patriot Reese Witherspoon, "I am an American citizen."

For this Thanksgiving season, Haley Bragg and I have turned our focus from Great Britain to  the colonies and we need your help as we narrow the field and name the hottest American.

Let the River Run

Although I'm writing this on a Thursday afternoon while I sit on my Mama's couch in Alabama, I'm scheduling it to publish on Monday morning as I drive to my new job. I'm both anxious and excited, and after about two weeks of totally free time, I'm ready to have something to do with my day.

What I'm Into: Books, Beats, Battlestar Galactica

Acquaintance turned internet friend turned actual friend Leigh Kramer publishes a monthly "What I'm Into" link up and I've been planning on participating since August. If you head over to her site, you can read her likes and recommendations, plus see all of the link ups. I'm readying my GoodReads and Spotify playlists in anticipation. 

Here are some things I've been into this month...