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In Other News

Last week I started to feel compelled to show that I don’t only think about British men and their relative attractiveness all the time; I have other interests. Thinking about the other things that were occupying my free time, I realized I was…reading British-authored books and watching BBC shows. So, that’s me. A not-so-subconscious Anglophile.*

I'm Just the Messenger

Bale, Darvill, Law and Mison required a tiebreaker round (but interestingly not McGregor and Garfield, which I thought mimicked the match up of these other two in, well, to be blunt, age.

Check out the results below and get ready for the Elite Eight! Voting starts tomorrow morning (Thursday, July 17). Now that we're further along, you have to pull right and scroll down...sorry about the formatting!