I’m not going to limit myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.
— Dolly Parton
Reading, Rocking, and Arithmetic: What I'm Into, October 2015

Reading, Rocking, and Arithmetic: What I'm Into, October 2015

Better late than never, right? I'm posting today as a part of Leigh's What I'm Into link up.

What I'm Into


No TV means tons of Kindle time, and October means it's time for Nashville's Southern Festival of Books - a perfect mash up! This year, the authors included Ron Rash and Lauren Acampora, among others. If you're doing any travel for the holidays, I highly recommend these short story collections:

Something Rich and Strange: Selected Stories
The Wonder Garden

I loved reading these back-to-back, actually, and I highly recommend doing that. Let me know what you think...


First weekend in October = Austin City Limits Music Festival!

I went with my older brother and we had a blast. The weather was a little hotter than perfect, but better than colder than perfect, I guess. My favorites new-to-me artists included Glass Animals and Jidenna. Here's a quick little playlist of my very most favorites:

In a weird turn, October also found me listening to a shocking amount of new country music. I know, right?!? I blame Blake Shelton.


Because it was the first month I lived in my new house, I of course treated myself to a few new things - a new bedspread, some fun new bookends from Uncommon Objects, and a new sofa. I feel a little better about the purchases knowing that I barely ran the A/C during the entire month. I could get used to a $40 electric bill!

What Else Do I Love?

ALABAMA FOOTBALL - Going to the game on Homecoming weekend and watching Alabama win over Arkansas

KENTUCKY BASKETBALL - Going to Coach Cal's Women's Clinic was really, super fun you guys...now...it just needs to be basketball season.

DOCTOR WHO - We're already midway through the season, but I'm really enjoying it, if just because it has a different feel than earlier seasons. ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** The multi multi-parters is not my most favorite, but I LOVE Peter Capaldi, and I love the turn that Jenna Coleman's been able to make. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next! (Psst - if you want to hear what's happened earlier, check out this podcast!)

The Best of 2015

The Best of 2015

Year of Yes

Year of Yes