I’m not going to limit myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.
— Dolly Parton
Star-Lord and Rocket. Way to be.

Star-Lord and Rocket. Way to be.

Round two results are in and it's official - Star-Lord is in. And, so help me, if y'all vote in a match-up of Dermot McDermott I'll consider sending each of you a prize.

While there were a few big shows of strength - Leonardo DiCaprio, David Duchovny (!!!) - Chris Pratt was the only unanimous winner continuing into the next round. I think this is pretty strong foreshadowing, although the true test probably shows up two rounds down the road. 

Here are your results:

And now my favorite part - the comments:

Hamm vs. Somerhalder: "Man > Boy"

Duchovny vs. Foley: "As a Felicity fan, I have to go with Scott Foley (even though I was Team Ben!)." -  @bmkrousch versus "Noel was a puss." - (anon)*

McConaughey vs. Wilson: "McConaughey is riding an orange wave that I cannot follow him on. If he abandons the Orange that would be alright alright alright."

Lowe vs. Eckhart: "Rob Lowe looks greasy. And Eckhart looks like he could work it out."

Cooper vs. Pace: "Though I think Coop is 1) maybe a psychopath and 2) on the DL."

Pratt vs. Depp: "Have you seen this guy rap Forgot About Dre?!?" - @bmkrousch

Pitt vs. Key: "I think Brad's f**king with his face now."

Connick, Jr. vs. Wilson: "You know he'd sing to you while he scrambled your eggs." (Excellent point, by the way.)

*PS @bmkrousch and I have a pretty fantastic Macaulay Culkin story coming down the pipeline. It'll be here soon.

We've already moved on to the next round of voting. CLICK HERE to view the next post in the series.

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